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With Hope is a story of love, of faith, of courage, and of strength that started years before anyone knew it had begun. It is a personal story shared across the world among strangers, family and friends, one that always starts and ends with Hope.

In 2016, I was diagnosed with stage IV Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. It was in those difficult moments that I realised the overwhelming impact that the support of family, friends and others on similar journeys had on my healing process.

In 2017, I was given the all-clear. Ceremonially, I rang the bell that marks the end of cancer treatments for patients in the UK and felt sheer joy. Shortly after came a new anxiety; I needed to get back to a ‘normal’ life as though cancer had never been a part of it. But I wasn’t the same person and it wasn’t as simple as one might expect.

Cancer is not just a diagnosis. It is an experience that moves you to re-evaluate everything you know and to consider everything you’ve taken for granted. It is a journey that allows you to gain perspective and cultivates you. Thankfully in my case, it also continued to fill me with Hope for myself and more importantly, for and in others. I wanted to share that glimmer of Hope with everyone around me.

My sense of Hope allowed me to take on challenges that I had never even dreamed of. In 2019 I took a big, bold leap and I established With Hope to honour all those who joined me on my personal journey, and all those going through their own.

I also wanted to give back. With every purchase of our candles of Hope, you will be helping someone across the globe or even right beside you who needs a light to shine on their darkness through varied charities supported by With Hope. 

My Hope is that these candles ignite love, faith, courage, patience and strength in anyone who needs it; whether they are on a difficult journey themselves, or supporting someone on that journey.



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