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Birthday, Challenges, Love and Hope...

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything on Instagram or written a blog but, today is my 35th birthday and I have decided that it is finally the day to give you all an update!

With Hope has been my main focus since we launched back in 2020 but truthfully, over the last year there have been many, many changes happening in my life and I simply felt I could not deal with everything all at the same time. The issue is, the longer I have left things the scarier and more challenging they appear to be.

But, here we go… there are two big bits of news here:

1. I’m leaving the UK and moving to Australia

2. I’m getting married

Yes the two are connected!!

As I’m sure you can imagine, planning to leave the UK to move over to the other side of the world wasn’t an overnight decision BUT it was an easy one. So easy, because I met the person who is my home, he puts my mind at ease, stills my heart and makes me feel at peace. He loves me so deeply that there is no doubt in my mind that I am making the right decision.

I absolutely love our love story…(there was a dog involved!) when it first started, I was at a point where I had written off finding someone to love who loves me; let alone marriage. I thought I would vicariously ‘love’ through watching Hallmark movies; I never imagined that I would be living my own.

The reality is that since I have been focusing on the personal aspect of my life, I feel like I have been letting down ‘With Hope’; not having the time or capacity to spend on it. I have been in constant battle with myself for this reason. However, this is something we are working on because ‘With Hope’ is very dear to my heart. It has helped me so much and I know it has helped many others too.

Bottom line, never ever give up hope.

Rouah x

PS. Since it’s my 35th birthday today, for the rest of this month I am going to give you a chance to purchase your candles at 35% off using code: BIRTHDAY35

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