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Why Self-Love is More Important Than Ever in February

February is perceived as the month of love although we don’t know exactly how Valentine’s day came to be what it is today.

The history behind it is a little murky, however; every year around this time, we are bombarded with ‘Valentine’s day’ promotions and adverts, and we are encouraged to plan romantic dates to ‘celebrate with the one you love’.

Personally, I believe we should celebrate the ones we love all year round, not specifically on one day but it can be very challenging to try and avoid social conventions. This particular day of the year can be a trigger for those who feel they have no one to love them in the romantic sense of the word ‘love’.

Love does not specifically need to be romantic.

Why is it that we allow ourselves to ‘fall in love’ with others relatively easily despite the person’s imperfections, quirks and bad habits and yet we cannot truly accept and love ourselves with all of those things? No one is perfect so what is it that forces us to hold ourselves to such unrealistic standards?

Over the last few years I have been learning that love, in all of its forms takes practice; it’s almost trial and error - some days you are good at it, other days not so much.

It wasn’t until last year that I truly began to accept myself for everything I am; my mistakes, experiences and choices. It wasn’t a smooth process, it took a lot of internal work, reading and learning.

An important realisation for me was that ‘loving myself’ didn’t mean that I was choosing not to love anyone else but it did mean that for once, I was choosing to love myself. Something that many of us struggle to do.

Once I had embodied this concept, I discovered that love was flowing a little easier; I was more receptive to the love that was present all around me and more open to receiving it from others.

A book that really helped me on my own journey to self-love was ‘Welcome Home’ by Najwa Zebian

During this month, I invite you to start your journey of self-acceptance which will lead you on the road to self-love.

And as you take the time to focus on self-love this February, why not enhance your self-love journey with our handmade affirmation candles? The scents are inspired by the messages they are conveying and how they make us feel. They invite you to engage your senses and manifest your affirmation.

Whether you need a little extra motivation in the morning, a calming evening ritual, or simply a beautiful addition to your self-care routine, our candles are the perfect way to surround yourself with love and affirmations every day. Order now and start your journey With Hope.

Be kind to yourself always.

Rouah x

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